Friday, 27 December 2013

More updates!

Today Tabaki is working =3 Yay!!! 

So she checked the website and started editing a few stuff that by the time me (Sorkary) forgot about or simply make it prettier.

So the following updates are:

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Driving Skill Page Finished!!!

Driving Skills page finished! I know its Christmas and this seems forever alone but this is what happens when your family doesn't trust you to cook XD


Saturday, 23 November 2013

Next weekend new content???

We want to apologize for the lack of updating that we promised to give you all. Unfortunatly school stricked again until now and for this whole week we still won't be able to post new content.

Hopefully on the next weekend we will give you two pages that are at 50% and 25% finished.

Once again we apologize for this inconvinent.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Saturday, 19 October 2013

The Pool as ended! What are the results?!

We want to THANK for the lovely 41 people that voted on the pool in this past 2 weeks!  With this we got the results of what people prefere to have posted first in which we are, right now, working on. The results are the following:

Horse Care - 31.71%  (13 votes) 

Driving Skills Books - 24.39%  (10 votes) 

Management Skills - 19.51%  (8 votes) 

Nature & Momentum Effect - 17.07%  (7 votes) 

Re-update the Quest Page - 7.32%  (3 votes) 

 Total Votes: 41

For many this might be insignificante but for us this is one step to make all of you part of this website and to help us out finding our way.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Help us out by voting on our pool

We are asking all of you to help us out by voting on our pool. There are 5 answers to each you can pick, this voting section will decide our next tutorial so please pick wisely.


Pets page FINISHED!!!!

Seriously we were on the nerves with this page, but we might return to it to add some images to the maps names, but to tired for that now....

Check it here -

Facebook Page Officially Open!

Like it was said yesterday we have our facebook page ready for you, for now it seems empty but with time we will add new things.

Right now we are working on the Pet's page, 50% to go must likely to say but it's almost there don't worry. ;) We will post it's publication on the facebook so it can be our first new on fb.

Alicia on Heart Facebook Page:

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Facebook Page Coming Up!

The title says it all!

But first of all, we want to say that we are sorry for the delay of our pet page updating, as you know school as started again and with it Tabaki went to college, a little far away, making it dificult to have her assistance like before, but we are overcoming that problem.
Tabaki will be the editor and corrector worker which means she will correct all the errors I put on the pages as well as making them looks gorgeous and organized. Thought she might do her tricks and tips as a hobby.
Sorkary, me, is going to give all the info she can get and pass it all to the website like she had started to, administate all the news pages and think of new ways of making the tutorials go foward the Alicia community.

But now about the Facebook Page:

It was decided to create a facebook page where you can follow us easily simply by clicking "Like" and get the news, the publication of the pages, news we might get about the game and you can even leave comments or question about the game or either the website.

Facebook pages might appear in hours, watch the website! On the top right of the page we will add a facebook icon!

Ps: Sorkary is the adminstator of the page since Tabaki doesn't like those kind of stuff, and her corresponding account is only for game matters, so friend acceptions might not be available.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Some Pages are actualized, and Pets page under construction

Tabaki actualized the Breeding and Book Missions pages, with new images and new tips, please check them.

And for does who have been waiting for the Pets page it is under construction in this precise moment. We are trying to give all the info we know for you.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Vacations will delay stuff x.x

Between the days 19 and 23 of August all emails sent will be answered with some delay. Reason for this is:

Sorchary - I'm gonna ride some real ponies =3 <3

We apologize for the inconvinience.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Alicia Multi-Translator, Thanks and Pre-Working

You read it right folks! A few members of the Alicia community have developed a translating system, called MLocale, which alreadys goes with a few languages. Me and Tabaki have personally check it and it is really working and somehow made the game faster at the loading =O
                                                                    Check it here

The translator is not 100% as it there is a lot of work to do but slowly this team is helping how all of you to enjoy this game at it's fullest.

For those who think the website will close do to no longer need to translate,  well we won't. Like one of the members of the MLocale team said - "Your website is different, as it contains important information that is not about interface at all - like breeding and team racing strategies, tricks and other useful stuff."

Thanks for the kind words Alex, that made us feel that we must continue our job and give even more of our effort to help out people with gameplay and inner stuff that all games usually have.

So in the end we will update the images to start with... Now that we have english stuff lets give some english image to the website, and then well... I'm planning to go work on a page for Pets, people have been requesting it for a while and then review the entire game with the translator and check out what needs to be updated on the website.

Seems enought for today y'all, see you next time.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

New Content Available - Game Mode and Tips & Tricks with Tabaki

Like the title says, new content is available at Alicia on Heart website!

You can see more about game modes here -

Are you scared to ask questions? Don't worry Tabaki is here to give you some tips and tricks about stats and wounded horses -

Friday, 14 June 2013

Just to update info

It as been a long time since I posted something.

Right now I'm busy studying for the exams but after 21 of June I'm able to post new content on the website, starting with some resquests previously asked.

See ya next week maybe?

Friday, 3 May 2013

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Alicia on Heart Official Website

Hi everyone!
The clock as finally stoped... Alicia on Heart is officially published! ^^ 

Unfortunately some content need some work and the quests page doesn't have some images and during the day I'll add them, so if you get some problems on that page probably is me working on it. I'm sorry for this inconvenient.
Like I said before the website is not totally finished, I still have a long list of what to add and this is where you enter... I need you to write me what you want to be added on the website first. Simply write on the blog or contact me via website. This would be great to define some priorities cause I don't know where to begin with >>
Futhermore I need to thank you all for the help you have given by publishing even more and by giving some support to us.

 Lady's and gentlemen I present you ALICIA ON HEART

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Tick tock... There is a clock working!

Hello everyone!

It seems that our clock is moving slowly to the publication day.
Finally it was decided that at 1 of May ( Employee Appreciation Day) Alicia on Heart website will come out.

The content is getting finished for the initial publication, mostly images are missing but we will add them in time plus this blog will be the news blog and anonymous commenting if you really don't want us to know your name.

Like before I will left here some contents that we already have:

- Basic Guide - User Interface; Game Controls; Basics (stats and settings)
- Advanced Guide - Breeding; Book Missions; Quests, etc... 
- Media - Soundtrack Ost; Screenshots (if you want to add a screenshot of you game you can contact us and send the file)

Oh and here it is the countdown if you wish to know how far to the publication: (GM +0)

Thursday, 11 April 2013

New Site is about to get published!

Hello everyone!

Remember when I talked about changing to a new url to provide the best tutorial quality that you deserve? 
Guess what? The website is about to get published! With luck in 2 weeks me and my friend Tabaki will publish the website giving a good start to all Alicia Online gamers. 

Although the website will be unfinished cause we want to talk about all the stuff we know about the game,what it's already done seems enough, to our eyes, we have stuff that was already publish in this blog and lots of other things as well.

Right now we have:

- Basic Guide - User Interface; Game Controls; Basics (stats and settings)
- Advanced Guide - Breeding; Book Missions; Quests, etc... 
- Media - Soundtrack Ost; Screenshots (if you want to add a screenshot of you game you can contact us and send the file)

When we publish the website as - Alicia on Heart - I'll post here the news with the direct link and this blog will be an extra where people can send anonymous messages and give news about the website.
This is all for now.

See you next time folks! 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Change of plans about new Url

Hello there again!

I was thinking and instead of making a new url, I'm going to pass this blog to a website where people can follow and create a forum with it.

I'm going to update news about what is going on and maybe post new things here.

Once again sorry about the trouble.

Sunday, 13 January 2013


There are 20 coat colours on the game but only 19 are active and all can be found on the breeding board. Depending of is rarity they have a correspondent number of star being the 1 star the most common, the 2 stars the medium and the 3 stars the most rare and hard to get.

When you are about to breed the first time a window box will appear, it's a security box to confirm that you are the legitim owner of the account. Now pray that you have saved the KSSN because you will need it.

First Box - your KSSN name (copy with ctrl+c then paste using ctrl+v)
Second Box - full KSSN numbers
Thirth Box and Fourth Box - the last 4 numbers of you KSSN

Now never forget the last 4 numbers because each day you need to insert the code to breed.




CoatKorean NameEnglish TranslationDescriptionExample

브라운BrownThis brown coat is used on the first horse the character is given and is one of the most common and easiest to breed.

카키KhakiA second brown coat type.

라이트 베이지Light BeigeA palamino coloured coat with long white stockings and a white "bald" face.
Coat 11

레드브라운Red-BrownA Reddish chestnut coloured coat with a white blaze across the face and socks.

스모키아이Smoky EyeBuckskin coat with black points and white blaze on face.

라이트레드Light RedCremello coat with white pasterns.

브라운 스픗Brown SpotA white coat with brown leopard spot markings and some roaning.

레이스 스픗Lace SpotA grey coat with appaloosa blanket spot markings.

밀키웨이Milky WayGrey dappled coat.

텍사스TexasPinto coat.

카오스ChaosA dark bay coat (dappled) with black legs and white blaze.

라이트 브라운Light BrownA bright dun coat.

밀크카우Cow MilkPiebald coat.

순백WhiteWhite coat with dark muzzle and legs.

브라운화이트삭스Brown, white socksBrown coat with long white stockings and star on face.

칠흑OnyxA solid black coat.

화이트아이White ChildA dark dun coat with "Pangaré" markings.
Pangere coat

브라운삭스Brown socksAn ivory white horse coat with a light brown star on face and socks.
Coat extra

블랙화이트삭스Black, white socksAn ash grey horse with long white stockings and white star on face.

샤이니브라운Shiny BrownNothing is known on this coat and is assumed to be the hardest to breed.????



All the information here was taken from Eponya on Alicia Online Wikia, I'm just posting here to help out people who visit this blog. All the credits go to Eponya.


Tab 1 - Graphic

This tab is not very used but on the inicial days of the game is good to set the decent quality image on your computer, having in count that the game isn't correctly set for your computer.

The ideal set is to have the full screen (like it is showing here) because the others allow to other computer stuff to appear and know what you computer screen wide is so you can select the perfect one.

Tab 2 - ? - Coming Soon

If anyone knows what this tab is for please send a comment or mail so I can post it here, credits will be given to the person that helps.

Tab 3 - Sound

Here you can select the amount of sound you desire, both music and background sound.

First Bar - Music Sound
Second Bar - Background Sound

Tab 4 - Controls

Here you can change the controls of the game to what you desire or see in case you forget any particular buttom.

If you want to change any bottum simply click on the top of the buttom you wish to change and click on to bottum you desire to have. There is an order to each bar which is:

1 - Up
2 - Down
3 - Left
4 - Right
5 - Use boost/magic speel
6 - Slide/dash
7 - Jump
8 - Call horse (farm only)
9 - Teleport
10 - Horse bar (farm)/ Map position (race)
11 - Change camera position to up or lower
12 - Front camera.

Tab 5 - Fast Text Box

This helps you to give fast warnings, greetings or wishes during the race withouth having the worry that you might lose precious time and compromise the entire race, by using the F numbered buttoms.

Originaly there are Korean things written but you can change it by click on the bar and write whatever you want to have on that bottum.

Tab 6 - ? - Coming Soon

If anyone knows what this tab is for please send a comment or mail so I can post it here, credits will be given to the person that helps.

Tab 7 - ? - Coming Soon

If anyone knows what this tab is for please send a comment or mail so I can post it here, credits will be given to the person that helps.